Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Porn Problem

Dear Suz,
My boyfriend watches internet porn all the time. I am not jealous of those pneumatic boobs or plastic bodies but I wonder what he is missing in our sex life that makes him want to watch that stuff. How can I get him to stop?-Not Kinky

Dear Not Kinky,
I can't tell you what your boyfriend is missing in your sex life because I am not part of your sex life. But remember that men are visual creatures and maybe he could use a little visual from you to spice things up. Then again maybe he's like most men and simply enjoys porn. Unless it is an addiction, or your sex life is suffering because of it you may want to just live with it. Or even join him once in a while, you don't have to be kinky to enjoy porn, and maybe it will liven things up for both of you and he will watch it less. To be honest I find critiquing the performances in porn clips to be very amusing, and have noticed that when I get particularly catty my significant other will turn it off rather than have me ruin the experience for him.


  1. It depends upon his reasons. If he is sneaking around or seems unable to stop watching porn then he could have an addiction issue (I know this from personal experience with an addicted spouse). You should talk to him - have a very frank conversation about it. If it bothers you that much, he should care enough about you to curtail his porn watching to some extent. If he won't or isn't able to - then there's something deeper and you need to explore it. Watching porn isn't always about sex - sometimes it goes much deeper - you might want to figure out if that's the case.

  2. Porn is entertainment, simply put. If he was watching Naruto all the time would you be as worried? Most porn is just plain out hilarious. For example, who walks into a lawyers office and is immediately seduced by the lawyer in place of payment for services? Please get real. It's all about stupid entertainment. Any, yeah, if you join in watching it with him, it doesn't mean your dirty or kinky. In fact it would probably turn him on. Or you might even learn a new move to put on him when he least expects it. Either way, stop reading too much into it and have fun with him.


Please be considerate of others and refrain from using profanity in your comments. If you have a question you would like answered please submit it to: askawayquestions@yahoo.com. Thank You!