Wednesday, July 15, 2009

How to Be a Writer

T.S. asks: Dear Suz, everyone keeps talking about writing for money. I like to write but have no idea how to get started. How can I become a writer too?

T.S. I have so many answers to that question. I too, started out wondering how on earth people made money from writing without writing actual books. Yes, I was naive.
First things first: Educate yourself. Join Associated Content and read all the information on the forum in the Welcome to AC section. This teaches you a lot about SEO and Google juice. Not only that but most of those posts are written by really helpful writers like Randy Barefoot, and Michelle L. Devon, these are people who write for a living and so they know the information you need.
After you have a good idea of what is entailed, submit to AC, apply at Demand Studios, Bukisa, eHow, and any others that are recommended by other writers. I personally submit to all of these, and enjoy them all. Network with your writer friends, about sites to write for, and help. Writers I've found are a very supportive group, which is why you see me post about writing several times a day, my writer friends encourage me, support me, and even help me through slumps.

No one makes a lot of money overnight by being a freelance writer. But the more you learn and the more opportunities you check out, you will start to see how it is done. One thing I cannot emphasize enough is to not put all your eggs in one basket! Write for several sites, they are all different and you may make more on one than another one, but sometimes your favorite will fail you temporarily and if that is all you are counting on you will be without a paycheck for a while.

Be sure to check out Rodney Southern's blog for writers. Michy's Accentuate Writers Forum And remember nothing ventured nothing gained. Best of Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Great advice, Suz. I like that you told them that it takes time to make anything from writing online. This is one thing that is so hard to get across to people that want to know about it. You don't write five articles and expect to get paid fifty dollars. You're lucky if you get paid that much in your first month! Too many people quit writing online because of that.


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