Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Who's Your Daddy?

Dear Suz,
I need to know how to deal with my boyfriend. He doesn't like any of my friends, some of these girls have been my friends since grade school. My boyfriend gets furious whenever one of them calls, and throws a fit if I spend time with them. These are nice girls, they are like part of my family, but he won't compromise at all and has told me that I will stop being friends with them or I will lose him. I don't want to have to make a choice and don't think it is fair for him to be that way.
He's not abusive, he isn't trying to alienate me from everyone, just these 4 girls. I need a way to make him see that my friends have nothing to do with our relationship, can you help me?

Dear Torn,
Please keep in mind as you read my answer that I can be a little blunt. Please don't take offense.
Did this boyfriend give you life? Did he raise you and love you through all of your trials and celebrations in your life? I'm guessing no, which means he isn't your Daddy, and shouldn't try to act like he is.
Tell him that under no circumstances will you give up your friends unless he can come up with a valid reason why you should give up that many years of friendship with people who are like family members to you. If he wants to break up with you after that, then honey, that's no big loss.
I don't care how much in love with someone you are, don't give in to ultimatums of that sort, because while you say he isn't abusive, that is a form of emotional abuse. Of course he doesn't have a problem with other acquaintances you might have, they are not as close to you as sisters. You don't tell them everything and they may not notice the differences as he molds and changes you into a woman who is content to live under his thumb. He knows that these 4 girls are the ones that he will end up having to answer to, as well as feel threatened by if he doesn't treat you right.

You are an individual and you have the right to chose your own friends, and to decide who will be a part of your life. Not a boyfriend, fiancee or even husband. Don't allow a man to make your choices and decisions for you. If you give in to this manipulation there will be more to come, and eventually you will lose your own ideals and personality becoming nothing more than an extension of him. Retain yourself, and stand up for what you feel and believe. Best of Luck! I have to say that I probably wouldn't even give him the option of staying with me after an ultimatum like that.

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